drive slow.

just a little bit of time is all that we're granted. you blink; it's over.
majority is spent searching & chasing:
chase love. chase money. chase people.
search for happiness. search for acceptance. search for answers.
  when you finally catch what you've been pursuing, it's only then you comprehend fool's gold.
generally, it's not what you perceived & wasn't even worth catching.
after a long search, things are usually found right under your own nose.
'live fast, die young.'
until you get older & wish you had slowed down to appreciate things a little more.
i guess that's what we call irony..or just life.

it becomes so far & few between that we actually take a moment to 
smell the roses & enjoy the beauty this world offers to us.
as a kid, it didn't take a whole day to recognize sunshine.
when you get older, things get convoluted searching for yourself & chasing dreams.
the more you stray away from yourself, the more mistakes you make.
confidence. love. beauty. happiness. it's all within. life is perception.
sooner you grasp that, sooner you stop searching & chasing.
 'happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, 
but which, if you will sit quietly, may alight upon you.' drive slow.

[x] step one.



it's official.

my website is off the ground & running!
i wanted to take a second to thank everyone for all the love & support.  no one said this road would be easy but 'the longest journey starts with a single step.' let's tie up these nike's & hit this yellow brick road.


    blogs are used to express personal point of views. hope you enjoy mine while i keep you updated on what's goin on in the life of MARK GEE.


    August 2013



    'when life gives you lemons, you paint that shit gold.' - slug